Web, Social & App

Thinking about the user experience from the brand's inception to the implementation of web-based platforms will help guide all design decisions.


Various Clients


For this Red Rocks Church concept, the objective was two-fold: to inform new visitors (visually) that this isn't a traditional church, and second, to not overwhelm them with all the offerings and options available, but rather, to let them choose their path and go at their own pace.


Creative Direction Art Direction Graphic Design UX

Web, Social & App

Thinking about the user experience from the brand's inception to the implementation of web-based platforms will help guide all design decisions.


Various Clients


For this Red Rocks Church concept, the objective was two-fold: to inform new visitors (visually) that this isn't a traditional church, and second, to not overwhelm them with all the offerings and options available, but rather, to let them choose their path and go at their own pace.


Creative Direction Art Direction Graphic Design UX

Web, Social & App

Thinking about the user experience from the brand's inception to the implementation of web-based platforms will help guide all design decisions.


Various Clients


For this Red Rocks Church concept, the objective was two-fold: to inform new visitors (visually) that this isn't a traditional church, and second, to not overwhelm them with all the offerings and options available, but rather, to let them choose their path and go at their own pace.


Creative Direction Art Direction Graphic Design UX


Marketing a product after working on its creative direction, supporting graphics, apparel, and product photo-shoot, is a fun way to see all your work come together in one place. Occasionally, the teaching series at Red Rocks Church calls for all those to be implemented.